Thursday, October 27, 2005

Andreessen: PHP succeeding where Java isn't | CNET

The simplicity of scripting language PHP means it will be more popular than Java for building Web-based applications, Internet browser pioneer Marc Andreessen predicted Wednesday in a speech here at the Zend/PHP Conference.

That article warms my heart as PHP is my favourite language of choice for web programming.

Don't get me wrong as I don't have anything against Java. In fact, I have been teaching Java for several years and it's been my bread and butter for all that time.

However I've never used Java in work. PHP is still no. 1 in my books.

Java is just too slow and unwieldly for many things that I want to do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I too am teaching/using Java since 1995 but recently I came across an article that made me look at Ruby and then Ruby on Rails. Have a look.