Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Exabytes innovative workplace environment

The video of #Exabytes employees having innovative workplace ala Google that I shared previous was promptly removed from #Exabytes own page  !!...
Posted by Andrew Ooi Boon Seng on Thursday, 7 January 2016

Well I guess I should be honored that my actions were noticed and they had to remove the video from their own facebook page!! 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Exabytes want to build for us?

Saw this Facebook advert pop up so  often on my Facebook page I had to say this:

REALLY? No Coding? No Hassle?

After showing how unprofessional and incompetent Exabytes  handled my malware problems  on my shared hosting after 10 years of being a loyal customer ? I say "NO way! "

If they treat a customer of 10 year  this way, how will they treat new customers?

Never again with Exabytes!

related links:

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Exabytes - bad local webhost!

The past couple of weeks I've been fired up against the webhost that killed of two of my main websites that has been running for 10 years or so. Why? I saw their Facebook ads talking about their great service etc and I couldn't stand it. All because of incompetence and they have grown so big they really don't care about the smaller customers that they built their business on.

Anyway, after weeks of pouring out my experience on social media and blogs I was curious to see if that had any impact on search engines with the key word "Exabytes"

3rd and 4th place is two of my blog post!

Granted it's only from Google plus but I am sure more organic links will popup after some time. Also my anger towards the bad service I got from Exabytes has not abated so you can safely expect more posts from my favourite local webhosting company - Exabytes.