Saturday, July 28, 2007

A professor vs a jobless blogger

This is A/Professor Andrew Ooi from the University of Melbourne. I am very concerned that you feel a need to knock me off the Google No. 1 spot I rightly dominate. If you wish to discuss face-to-face (so to speak) please call me on +61 3 XXXX XXXX
(I edited out the phone no. for privacy)

Wow. Professor Andrew Ooi actually know of my intentions to erase him from the first page of Google for the search term "Andrew Ooi" (we share the same name!)

I guess for a Phd holder and lecturer, it's pretty natural for him to be cocky and say that the Google no. 1 spot is rightly dominated by him. Can't blame him too. What am I? I'm just a jobless blogger.

However, I thank him for his response because it really puts fire in my veins and escalates my own determination to wipe him out of existence online. At least on the first page of Google :)

Ok professor. I accept your challenge and may the best "Andrew Ooi" win.

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